Deacon's Corner: Do we have a good understanding of the Mass?
October 16, 2022, 12:00 PM
If we did have a good understanding, we would never miss Mass! But people choose not to attend. We hear comments such as, “I’m not being fed at Mass” or “I don’t get anything out of Mass.” Why are these sentiments so common? Most folks would say that they experienced bad Liturgy. This could have been terrible music, poor preaching, difficulty understanding the priest, unwelcoming Parishioners; and the list goes on. On the surface, these excuses may seem valid. We make decisions based on our experiences.
At Mass we drift. We become more interested in what people are wearing or doing and we lose focus on what we should be paying attention to. That’s the problem! We are not actively participating! We get so distracted that we fail to see the greater reality of what is happening right before our eyes. If people had a complete understanding of the Mass, they would never leave the Catholic Church. The Mass is the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. It is the participation in the heavenly banquet of the King. It is Heaven on earth! We are fed with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus in Holy Communion. There is no greater food than this Bread of Life.
For people who say they don’t get anything out of Mass, it’s like everything else. We get out of it what we put into it. How well are we listening? How much do we understand the things that are being said and done? Have we studied the deeper meaning behind the words, rituals, and gestures? We should, it is our Faith. Now you know!